Fiverr First Attempt

This is my first attempt at a Fiverr listing and I will share how it goes after I post to the site.

I looked around my home to try to find inspiration as what I could do that is different. My writing skills are terrible, I can’t draw very well, and anything I could think of someone else already is doing better. My first thought was finding cheap vintage post cards and mailing them to people, but this didn’t seem that profitable. I am not taking my shirt off and writing on my belly or other body parts. Then I thought on what is near me? I live right next to a park with a beautiful monument dedicated to soldiers that were lost to war. A quick search of fiverr shows a number of people offering prayers at different religiously significant locals. Then I needed to find how to send their prayers to the monument in a material way. A number of years ago I gave my older sister Flying Wish Paper, thin paper where you write the Wish onto, then make into a cylindrical shape and light on fire. The paper will lift upward sending the Wish to the heavens. This seems perfect way to pass on a prayer to the monument. Hopefully this will get some interested customers.